Centreplace Mall Promotion Volunteers Wanted

Posted 16 years, 2 months ago    0 comments

The Centreplace mall promotion is coming up, from Thursday 20th November to Saturday 22nd.

Can any club members volunteer to help out with a session to attend the stand? I've outlined the sessions here:

  Morning Afternoon Evening
Thursday 20th 9am-1:15pm
(Dave Qualtrogh) 
Friday 21st 9am-1pm
(Carl Henderson) 
(Joan & Richard Small) 
(Keith Irvine) 
Saturday 22nd 9am-1:15pm
(Ron Courtenay) 
(Dom & Tim)

It's a very simple job, just hand out phamplets, answer a few questions, and sell some vouchers.

We've got some great looking pop up banner displays organised, and will have some new phamplets and business cards organised to hand out. We've also got the EFTPOS machine which will make selling vouchers easier.

If you can help out send us an email tim.bromhead@glidingmatamata.co.nz or phone 07 858 3595

The fancy banners we've got this year
The fancy banners we've got this year

The stand will be in the same place as last year
The stand will be in the same place as last year

Labour Weekend 08 Debrief & Roster for this weekend.

Posted 16 years, 2 months ago    1 comment

Labour weekend started off looking a bit dodgy weather wise, but by 3pm Saturday the weather cleared a bit, the arrow was out and we started launching! Aviation Sports Club showed up in force, and the late start gave them plenty of time to travel and get stuff rigged.

The start of dinner was extended to 7:30 to give those flying more time, which was lucky as the ridge was booming. A few flights arrived back after 7.

Thanks Jan and helpers yet again for a magnificent meal, everyone had a great time.

We took lots of photos over the weekend, and a gallery has been put together here, with a quick sample below.

Monday put on another good ridge and thermal day, with the tow sheet full to the brim and going over the page. Good work Ross for towing all day. Bad luck to Aviation Sports Club's single Astir GMP who landed out on the way up to Thames!


Apologies the web cam hasn't been up and running, Tim keeps forgetting to fix it. We'll get it back and going again very soon.

Roster this weekend

Tim's long range weather prediction: Westerly winds, book gliders now!

   Date Details Tow Pilot Duty Pilot Instructor1 Instructor2 Book Bookings
Sat 1st Nov 08 Flying from 11am Ross Nicholson Students Bob Gray Steven Care Book A Cert course 9, both twins booked for all day.
Sun 2nd Nov 08 Flying from 11am. Andrew McGregor Jamie Pirrit Bill Mace   Book  

Weekend Photos

"My drinking club has a gliding problem"
"My drinking club has a gliding problem"

Steve in GVC
Steve in GVC

Classic Flyers coming this Saturday

Posted 16 years, 2 months ago    0 comments

The Classic Flyers from Tauranga are visiting Matamata airfield this Saturday Morning, and they've asked us to let the gliding club members know.

Here is the notice they've sent around:

A part day trip is planned for

this   SATURDAY Nov 1st 2008



So....come in anyway. DECISION made at ClassicFlyers..8am


Aircraft all Out & Ready..8.15am

Briefing....(Avgas Cafe')..8.30  SHARP .


Take off....9.30am.


Midway to Matamata (Quiz for ALL on board)              [1st Prize..Harvard flight @ Matamata...Runner-up Airtourer flight there]


MATAMATA...visit field and its various tenants.

view any 'ops' taking place, and Spectate generally.

'Critically' view our own AEROBATICS 'training ops' underway nearby.

 Sumptuous lunch... courtesy Avgas Cafe'.

 (sandwiches etc) you lucky people

Depart Matamata ....load-up 1.30pm appx


Aircraft going to date (with appx 32 folk so far )...

DH Devon, Harvard 98, Stearman 03, GA Agcat, Yak 718, Yak (YKA)

Airtourer T3, 2xCessna C150's, and C172.


It is intended to try and get most pax a differant a/c seat on the return trip

(Andrew will supply a SEAT PLAN by Sat am)


Note: we are trying to get more aircraft added.

 (with other pilots/pax )


.........call or email.....SHARE COST is =$110 pp

(Chq, visa or eftpos accepted )


Also ...Please Note......

call or email Andrew, Pete Ham, Tim @ Euroflght

or Aidan @ the Aeroclub to confirm you are listed and intend going   DON'T FORGET


See you at ClassicFlyers ………Andrew

Flypaper October/November 08

Posted 16 years, 3 months ago    0 comments

Blowin' in the Wind

This Newsletter is being fully distributed through the new website. Thanks to Tim. Personally I find this a great innovation, as prior to this distribution had to be done in batches and could take me a whole evening! I now only need to print the 10 copies for members without emails (yes there are still such people) and some copies to secretaries of other clubs etc. I remind you, any comments, ideas, or letters to the editor are welcome. Of course, for those who like to read off a paper edition, press your print button now and enjoy with your cuppa.

Labour Weekend Flying with Aviation Sports

They will be coming en mass, with tow plane, members, others, gliders. Come out, join in, make them feel welcome, do some gliding. Inter-Club Dinner on Saturday Night starting at 6.30 if poor gliding conditions, or after 7pm if there's late flying. $14.00 and can be paid using Eftpos. RSVP to Jan would be appreciated (but not essential) up until 5pm on the day (ring the clubhouse 07 888 5972). All family and friends welcome.

Of course, these lucky fellas will be among the first to try out the new beds, mattresses, and bedroom facilities in the MSC Bunkrooms - now bit of a misnomer as No.'s 1-4 'bunkrooms' have disappeared. Two of them now have new innerspring Queen Size beds installed, the other 2 rooms have 2 new single mattresses and bases. Duvets, pillows, and bedside lights add to the luxury. The 'Family Room' has table and chairs and a small fridge. An 'Executive Room' includes lazyboy chairs. Both of these rooms also have new Queen sized beds, duvets, and pillows! All just waiting for you to come and make use of them. Bring your partner/friend/wife for a mini holiday - Matamata and Tauranga are only short drives away for their relaxation and enjoyment while you spend your day at the field. Bedlinen (sheets), toaster, electric frypan, plates and cutlery are also available for a trial period. Bookings with Ralph as usual. First in, first served. And, if its well used and seems a suitable arrangement perhaps next year rooms 5-8 will also get 'done over'.

Almost finished being 'done over' is the Caravan. Dave (Qualtrough) has done a terrific job of rearranging its insides. There is a new purpose built desk area complete with sliding access windows, and business chair for the Duty Pilot. (As previously reported eftpos will be available at the caravan too.) Seating is arranged for briefings,there are storage areas, and an awsome awning mounted. Then there are whiteboards, noticeboards, cushions, pamphlet stands, chair rack on the drawer bar, glider tow hook and rope receptical on the rear - thanks Bill. New flooring is being installed - thanks Jamie. Sign writing is arranged - thanks Tim for the graphics. Then just the elctronics to be sorted and it should be in use well before Xmas!!

But, back to the website, it's well worth while taking some time to explore it. With its additional benefits such as:- current news items and notices, the booking system for trial flights, aerotows, passenger flights, instruction, and of course specific club gliders. There's a place for weekend flight reports preferably in photo form! Forms, technical information, how-to-do-it are all there. You could say the information hub of the club is now glidingmatamata.co.nz

NB If you are impressed with our web design - please don't hesitate to refer others to Tim Bromhead, our website designer.tim@pear.co.nz Tim and Dennis have also set up the new improved webcam so you can check the weather and what's happening at the field.Thanks guys for the input there.

Speaking of the weather - typical spring weather is apparent with frequent showers, cold fronts, and westerlies. Niwa's outlook favours a normal summer with slightly above average rainfall. Seems to favour gliding to me! Waves were working at the weekend, so was the ridge of course, but entry was difficult due to cloud cover. Reports were heard of Auckland flyers at 8500' over Port Waikato. Book in some gliding time!

A reminder that the new airspace charts can be ordered with Bill until the end of October. Ralph would like statistics on access into controlled Air Space, both successes and any difficulties with Air Traffic Control. (Have you got their number with you?) Please specify times and dates. This is important as we need a picture of what's happening.

Did you know AVEX was on last weekend? Did you go? As previously reported, attendance numbers were down - perhaps they needed to promote a little! Bill was thrilled with his t-shirt and  I thought the club simulator had a fair bit to do with his success!

Talking Simulators - the baby has gone to night school in Tauranga. Yip, the Tauranga Club is running a 10 week course of lectures and simulator flying prior to and then along side of actual glider experience. I will report in due course.

On the subject of new technology, it's interesting to note that the new Eftpos machine has even been engaged to pay annual membership fees. Thanks to all members who have paid theirs. Remember the bulk of this covers airfield lease and hangar rental, then there's club room and admin costs, and some to GNZ for your magazine etc.

The Raglan Aifield has been booked 10-18th January. Now is a good time to think about booking your own campsite or cabin. It's planned to take the new caravan (and Eftpos machine). Volunteers are required: we need a 'dangerous goods' licensed driver (for the Avgas trailer), duty pilots, motor-bike rider (glider retrieves), helpers, and participants. Keep a check on the website for details as they come to hand.

XMAS CAMP is not far away. The annual affair at the Airfield starting on Boxing Day through til 10th January. Tow Plane or winching will available every flyable day for 26 days - yippee!! (Remember the refurbished cabins are available.)

Lastly, a reminder that Early Entry Discounts close for the Northern Regional Competitions on 30th October. Day entries or glider syndicates are welcome. Contact Bill, wajvmace@ihug.co.nz. The Taupo Competition starts on the 1st of November - best of luck to those entered. The MSC Competition and PW5 Nationals will be held at Matamata in February. This is a good place to to start competition flying - have you thought of entering?

Finally, remember to keep a check on the website for your club info and to make those bookings.                    

Jan Mace (temporary Editor)



The current A Cert course has an enthusiast mother and daughter combination of Manda and Amiee together with a couple of students from the last course, Neil Raymond and Josh Money when he can make it, who are completing their flying training after it was disrupted by the wet winter. Look out for the new students at the field and make them welcome.

Congratulations to Dom Stevens and Tim Bromhead who completed the recent GNZ Instructors Course at Taupo and have joined the instructors panel as C Cats.

It has been noted that the standard of radio procedures, on the Matamata MBZ frequency, among our pilots is variable with newer pilots getting mixed messages from listening to more experienced pilots.
Also the radio calls published on the website were not correct, these have now been changed by Rainer.
Please review your own radio procedures and let's up the standard. Remember that everyone can hear you when you're on the radio. Some of the basic things to apply:

  • Keep the message brief, the MBZ is NOT a chat frequency.
  • Think what you are going to say before you transmit.
  • Identify yourself with the full "Glider Golf Papa Charlie", not just "Papa Charlie".
  • Listen to what others are calling, especially power traffic, so that you are aware of parachuting, traffic in circuit, aircraft approaching, etc.

With the new airspace soon to apply, glider pilots will have to get used to talking to ATC and the more professional you sound the better the response you'll get from controllers.


And while we're on airspace stuff. New VNCs apply from 20 November 2008, and if you don't already know, there are some major changes to the airspace boundaries in the air where we fly.
Bill Mace is ordering a bulk buy of the new charts so if you want one see him pronto. Remember to legally fly away from the airfield after 20 Nov you must have the new chart onboard.

The last Instructor Panel meeting reviewed the current Club policy on flying passengers from the rear seat of our two seaters. Whilst GNZ MOAP provides for pilots with passenger ratings to be able to get a rear seat rating as well, our Club has for a long time considered that only those with instructor training and experience should fly our gliders from the rear. After some discussion the Panel and CFI has decided that the current policy should not change. Which is that "All pilots flying the Club two seat gliders from the back seat must hold a GNZ Instructor Rating."

Bob Gray


This Is Your Club Captain Squawking

"There once was an ugly duckling with feathers all tattered and torn..." For those that don't know the history of GXP: it was revived from various bits of other rather dented Discus's to hatch into what we see now!! The reason I mention this is that the "other two" singles that will never be swans, GNI & GSN, are often left forlorn at the rear of the club hangar. Please make sure they get their fair share of air-time. They may be lacking in comparable performance to GXP but, nevertheless they are still great aircraft - fly them more - lots more!

It's brilliant to see students from the previous "A" syllabus course still polishing their skills nearly every flyable weekend. I'd also like to offer a warm welcome to our latest intake of students, Amanda and Amiee. Talking of all things great and wonderful, the ‘start of the season' Brunch was quite an occasion and as always lots of happy faces to be seen. We all digested not only good fare but some sound information by way of talks from Ralph, Rainer, Bill, Richard and Tim. Topics covered ranged from local airspace changes, decision making, PLBs, ZK-BZA to our website, all good stuff.

Our gliding season has officially begun and we are now really starting to ramp-up our activities. As we are being constantly reminded that gliding is a declining sport, we must take it upon ourselves to be pro-active in promoting our club and our sport. Our boundless enthusiasm will rub off on everybody we come into contact with (don't worry the rash doesn't last long!). So lets take all this declining nonsense and give it a good swift kick in the pants and make sure every man, women and their dog knows just how much fun flying a glider can be ... phew, I think I feel better now. (Just out of interest that last paragraph reads slightly better with "Ride of the Valkyries" or similar heraldic fanfaresque-type sounds playing in the back ground!)

With exposure in mind, the recent Avex show at Mystery Creek was our first promotion of the new season. Our display stand was very striking: a black background and brilliant white PW5 in the foreground, with gliding DVDs continually running to add to the lure. Although by some accounts the Thursday and Friday were a little quiet, the Saturday had a continual stream of interested people (can't believe how many CTC students there are!). I'd like to thank Joan, Ian, Ron, Stu, Bill, Carl and Tim for all the effort, much appreciated.
For phase II of the 2008 promotion we will once again be attacking the Hamilton popular front by way of the Centre Place shopping centre. The dates have been strategically selected and booked for Thursday November the 20th, through to Saturday November 22nd. Our aim is to entrap the retail-hungry public, who by now are fully psyched for Xmas. All those who can't decide on a present for mum, dad, brother or sister are to be saved from some "fluffy bunny slippers" by tempting them into purchasing a "Trial Flight" voucher - they're happy, we're happy, Ying and Yang is complete!

I also quickly remind you of the fast approaching events about to take place on the air field: i) Labour weekend: fun, food and frivolities oh, and possibly some flying! ii) X-country course to hone the skills of our finest by the finest. iii) The North Island Regional gliding contest - big bun fight!

-Dom Stevens

And now as promised in the last Fly Paper some origami:



From the President's Cockpit

The season has kicked off. The ridge is working and the thermals are popping. A few quite serious cross-country flights have started to happen.

Firstly I (also) would like to welcome our two new A cert course participants who have now had 3 Saturdays of southwesterly ridge flying. At the same time some of the previous A cert pilots have joined the course, as they had been caught out with bad weather during their course. Last A course pilots are Neil, John, Josh, Brad and the A course prior Justin, Carl, Matthew & Stuart. So far this year we have trained 10 new pilots and 9 are now club members.

Big events coming up are paddock landing training, the x-country course, Regionals, Christmas camp, Raglan, Mtm Soaring Centre Camps in late Feb.

You might not realise, but the things we have done over the last 6 months include, disk brake fitted to the PW6, club EFT POS facilities (Dennis), new EPERB's for all club gliders, new transponder for the Puchacz, new caravan (major contributors towards this Bill Mace and Dave Qualtrough), new website and logo (Tim Bromhead), 4 training courses, mid winter dinner , season kick-off breakfast (Bill and Jan) and Avex display (Dom, Tim and others), grass contract resolved (Bill), grants and review of 5 year plan (Bill, Joan,Tim and Jamie). Sefton Crandall has contributed a huge amount towards maintaining our fleet, Bob Gray organising courses and Richard Small has been kept very busy keeping BZA in the air and organising new tow pilots.

I have been part of the committee for quite a number of years and I cannot recall a time when all committee members have put in such enormous effort toward making the club successful. I am very confident that the results will show in the future.

I know that the change in airspace around Matamata on the 20th November 2008 will have an effect on us, but we need to accept that it is something that we have to live with. For local flying, I feel there is not very much change, other than the need to open airspace. For cross country and higher altitude flying, I have only ever had one problem getting access to airspace and on all other occasions, controllers have always been very helpful. It helps if you have good radio skills and good transponder equipment. If you do not have an FRTO license, refer to Bob so we can consider organising a future course.

Apart from some very bad winter weather, the club has been very active and I suspect that we are in for a good summer. Make the most of the club's resources and enjoy some fun flying this season.

- Steve Care


10TH - 18TH Jan 2009

  *****            FEATURING            *******

                                      Good weather
Fabulous coastal gliding
                                                     Good company
                  Beach walks
   Hiking                                                Great scenery
                                 Good food
   Wine & beer
                                      Book it in your diaries today       


Labour Weekend Flying & Dinner

Posted 16 years, 3 months ago    0 comments

Labour Weekend Flying with Aviation Sports

Dinner on Saturday night  6.30-7pm

Aviation Sports Club are coming to join us for the weekend at the Matamata Airfield. They are bringing their tow plane, gliders, pilots, and others.

An inter-club dinner will be held on Saturday night, and you are all invited.$14/hd     RSVP's prefered (but not essential) to Jan at wajvmace@ihug.co.nz or phone the club house on Saturday up til 5pm.

Check out details in the Flypaper - coming out soon

AVEX Aviation Expo Wrap up

Posted 16 years, 3 months ago    0 comments

Well the aviation expo finished on Saturday, and overall it was some excellent exposure for the club.

We took the PW5 and had a good gliding video playing which generated a lot of interest.

The number of people through the show was pretty limited, however the people that did attend were interested in aviation, many were definitely interested in the gliding club.  I'm sure we'll have a number of flights and potential new members from the show.

A big thanks to those who helped out with the stand, including Bill, Fin, Carl, Stu, Ron, Les and Dom who helped bring the PW5 back too.

Well done to Bill for landing the hercules in the airforce simulator!

Dom looking organised
Dom looking organised

The AirForce stand just across from ours
The AirForce stand just across from ours

EFTPOS now up and running

Posted 16 years, 3 months ago    0 comments

The club now has a mobile EFTPOS terminal, which everyone will be able to use to pay for tows, glider time, vouchers, food and drinks.

It's battery powered and runs over the cell phone network so we can take it out to the caravan, and away to events like Raglan.

It accepts EFTPOS (debit) cards only, not credit cards due to the higher fees charged.

It's easy to use, instructions can be found with the machine, and also on the website:

If you're duty pilot, be sure to take it out with you when you grab the money box, and plug it in again at the bar at the end of the day.

Thanks Dennis for organising and writing up the instructions.

Brunch Debrief, Safety talk and MBZ Radio call info update

Posted 16 years, 4 months ago    1 comment

Here's some more info from the Start of Season briefing

Rainer Kunnemeyer gave a talk on safety. The notes are available as a PDF file attached below, and also are available on the website inside the members training section.

Season 2008-9 RK.pdf (700Kb)

Also updated is the MBZ radio call info page, which is now more inline with standard CAA procedures. A good idea for everyone to check you're doing the MBZ radio calls correctly.

We can also report Brunch was absolutely delicious, thanks to Jan, Bill and Dom (and any others I've missed) for doing such a great job yet again.

The flying was also great, summer is definitely on its way!

Other topics covered at the briefing:

  • New higher res webcam on the front page. Click on the image to view a big version. It will update more frequently on flying days, especially in the morning.
  • New booking system, already being put to good use. It's really simple to use, so if you're planning on coming out please add a booking. Also available from the front page.
  • Local airspace changes take effect from the 19th November 2008. New maps will be available in the coming months, contact Bill if you wish to order. We will put updated GPS maps on the website when available. More details are available on the CAA website
  • The Christchurch Control phone number is 0800 626 324 for those that missed it.
  • The club needs to start logging our use of airspace. We will devise a method of doing this soon, possibly using the timesheets.
Thanks everyone for the great turnout, and we look forward to a great 2008/09 season.
